Investors study growth trends when considering an acquisition. At SYE, growth that is predictable and dependable is preferable. The SYE team would rather see a business that grows 10-20% every month or every year than one that quadruples in sales over the course of a single year.
Sudden growth is not always sustainable because it is often caused by factors the business cannot control. SYE prefers to invest in businesses that have well-established systems that will promote future growth.
Due to the nature of statistics, growth metrics tend to be more dramatic for businesses that have been in operations for shorter periods of time. Businesses with a long history of growth tend to garner higher valuations. The numbers are more meaningful because there is more history behind them. These statistics are a stronger predictor for the future than statistics on a business with a shorter history.
Business owners considering their exit plan should always keep growth in mind. An investor is unlikely to ask why the business had a bad month ten years ago. However, investors may ask why every January for the past ten years has been the lowest month in sales. Investors are more concerned about growth trends than the blips on the radar.
Business owners should be well acquainted with the reasons for fluctuations in the performance of their business. Clear financial statements help to explain these reasons to investors. Be sure to have data to support your decisions now and be able to tell the story of your business in the future. Be able to explain long slumps or cyclical dips in the business.
Growth is a necessary part of business. The most significant growth often comes from the smallest, least glamorous actions. Consistent growth requires planning and consistent execution of a plan over the long term.
To grow, entrepreneurs should not complicate their to-do list with one hundred new tasks. Rather, focus on one task at a time, relating everything back to the foundation of the five pillars of business. Growth is a slow and steady process with long-term benefits.